Sunday, December 17, 2006

Winding Down

The last couple of weeks have been the slowest weeks of my life. I hate's just a lot of repeating things you've already taught. Maybe I just don't know how to do it well. Exams are super-boring and involve a lot of sitting around or throwing in a movie during the random times we hold classes between exams. I did get to hang out and talk with some of my kids on Friday morning after their exam though. It was nice to find out more about their lives.

This coming week will be the worst. I'd much rather be stressed out and trying to cram a ton of material into these kids heads than waking up in the morning knowing the most productive thing I will do all day is grade exams. I'm sure it sounds silly to be complaining about a 21/2 day week where I don't have to teach, but I have to babysit and that's the worst. It all seems like it's being dragged out. I'm pretty sure that when I was in high school we went home early on exam days. Come to school, take your 2 exams, go home. Of course, they didn't have to feed us that why we're stretching out these exams? To give them a free lunch? Or do we need more full school days for federal funding?

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